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ODM Int. 2023 coordinators and national managers official assignments: Hilaria Villasenor Ayala 🇲🇽

✅ Deberes oficiales de los coordinadores de actividades de ODM International y los gerentes nacionales ODM International 2023:

▶️ Sra. Hilaria Villaseñor Ayala 🇲🇽

✳️Hoy recibe oficialmente el cargo de coordinadora y gerente nacional ODM Internacional Sección México

la sede oficial de ODM International México estará por lo tanto ubicada en:

Juncal 1378/1503

22055 Tijuana Baja California,


☎️ +52 1 664 368 4922 línea WhatsApp


🙌 Felicidades querida Hilaria

todo el personal de ODM International está a su lado en esta empresa, un nuevo capítulo y un nuevo desafío para usted y para toda la élite de ODM International Theapist Partner Plus & Blogger México Section así como colegas, amigos, ODM Fans Clubs y simpatizantes mexicanos.

buen trabajo 👍 💪 🤝

✅ Official duties of ODM International activities coordinators and national managers ODM International 2023:

▶️ Mrs. Hilaria Villasenor Ayala 🇲🇽

✳️ Today she officially receives the position of coordinator and national manager ODM International Mexico Section

the official headquarters of ODM International Mexico will therefore be located in:

Juncal 1378/1503

22055 Tijuana Baja California,


☎️ +52 1 664 368 4922 WhatsApp line


🙌 Congratulations dear Hilaria

all the ODM International staff is at her side in this enterprise, a new chapter and new challenge for her and for all the ODM International elite Theapist Partner Plus & Blogger Mexico Section as well as colleagues, friends, ODM Fans Clubs and Mexican sympathizers

good job 👍 💪 🤝

✅ Incarichi ufficiali attività ODM International coordinatori e responsabili nazionali ODM International 2023:

▶️ Signora Hilaria Villasenor Ayala 🇲🇽

✳️ Riceve ufficialmente in data odierna l'incarico di coordinatrice e responsabile nazionale ODM International Sezione Messico

la sede ufficiale ODM International Messico sarà quindi locata in:

Juncal 1378/1503

22055 Tijuana Baja California,


☎️ +52 1 664 368 4922 WhatsApp line

🙌 Congratulazioni cara Hilaria

tutto lo staff ODM International é al suo fianco in questa impresa, un nuovo capitolo e nuova sfida per lei e per tutti gli ODM International élite Therapist Partner Plus & Blogger Sezione Messico nonché colleghi, amici, ODM Fans Club e simpatizzanti Messicani

buon lavoro 👍 💪 🤝



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o precisando: 
> nome cognome, contatti, 
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Sarete contattati previo preavviso in giorni ed orari d'ufficio in rispetto del fuso orario della vostra nazione
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