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ODM International Accreditation Board Certified ISO 9001:2015 Australia Section 🇦🇺

ODM International Accreditation Board Certified ISO 9001:2015 Australia Section
ODM International Accreditation Board Certified ISO 9001:2015 Australia Section

Here will be listed all professionals operating in the SOCIO-SANITARY - HEALTH - WELLNESS sectors, and PROFESSIONAL BODIES affiliated and or accredited to our international association

we wanted to inform you that ODM, registered in the Commercial Register of the Canton of Ticino Switzerland, is an international accreditation body for the qualifications of professionals and trainers operating in the social health, health and wellness, aesthetics/cosmetology, SPA & Wellness sectors currently present in 39 countries.

Our operational headquarters are located in a prestigious law firm in the heart of Lugano.

IMPORTANT: We take this opportunity to inform you that on July 1, 2024, the International Board of Massage Therapist Association obtained the ISO 9001:2015 certification

❏ A great leap in quality for our international association,

• great advantages for our partners operating in the social health, health and wellness sectors for which, with simple and transparent procedures for evaluating qualifications and verifying the skills acquired, we will be able to provide the international accreditation ODM International Accreditation Board Certified ISO 9001: 2015 accompanied by:

o Double certification of study hours

o Adequate level of IQF (International Qualifications Framework) credits

As always, we remain at your disposal for further information

❏ included in the registration, consultancy on recognition of qualifications and handling of bureaucratic matters in Switzerland🇨🇭

❏ Interview booking available to everyone and without obligation of subsequent commitments

✓ simply send us an email indicating the topics of your interest, and your telephone number with international prefix,

✓ you will be contacted with prior notice on office days and hours and in compliance with the time zone of the country in which you live.


Last updated December 18, 2024

ℹ️ Interview booking and request for ODM admission application form: write to 👉 indicating your contact details and WhatsApp telephone number,

✳️ you will be contacted on office days and times compatible with your country's time zone

🇦🇺Paul Thomas McCann

n° reg. ODM 493/1535

ODM International élite Therapist Partner Plus & Blogger

International Professional Profile

Professional address

88 Currie Street

5000 Adelaide




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ODM International Accreditation Board Certified ISO 9001:2015

✅ To reserve an interview: send a written solicitation to:
📧 specifying:
> nombre, apellido, contactos,
> Preferred phone number on the WhatsApp line.
Will be contacted with prior notice on days and hours of the office in the time zone of your country

✅ Para reservar una entrevista: envíe una solicitud por escrito a:
📧 especificando:
> nombre, apellido, contactos,
> Número de teléfono de preferencia en la línea de WhatsApp.
Será contactado con previo aviso en días y horarios de oficina de acuerdo a la zona horaria de su país

✅ Per Prenotare un colloquio: inviate una richiesta scritta a:  
o precisando: 
> nome cognome, contatti, 
> numero di telefono preferibilmente  su linea WhatsApp.
Sarete contattati previo preavviso in giorni ed orari d'ufficio in rispetto del fuso orario della vostra nazione
Sign up to ODM International and be the protagonist of the Intercultural Tour specialist and in-person courses
We currently have partners and professional training institutions in 40 countries

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