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Why join ODM International Accreditation Board Certified ISO 9001:2015? BENEFITS - BENEFICIOS - VANTAGGI​​

Why join ODM International Accreditation Board Certified ISO 9001:2015?                                           BENEFITS - BENEFICIOS - VANTAGGI​​
Why join ODM International Accreditation Board Certified ISO 9001:2015? BENEFITS - BENEFICIOS - VANTAGGI​​


ODM International, one of the few associations in the sector certified ISO 9001:2015 and present in 40 countries, offers its members the opportunity to interact at an international level, increasing the possibility of comparing and giving life to actions, events, ideas, shared study, comparison between all professionals and trainers operating in the social health, health, wellness, cosmetics/cosmetology, SPA & Wellness sectors.

✅ By registering with ODM International, members obtain the following benefits and services:

• Certifications and accreditations ODM International Accreditation Board Certified ISO 9001:2015, registered in the Commercial Register of the Canton of Ticino, Switzerland

• International certificate of ÈLITE THERAPIST

• IQF (International Qualifications Framework) training credits

• Concordat number

• Creation and publication of a professional profile indexed on our websites/blogs on the “members” page and on the social networks we use

• Publication of professional data and contacts in our international guide International Health Directory

• Publication of articles, books, magazines, announcements

• Consulting service


ODM International, una de las pocas asociaciones del sector certificada ISO 9001:2015 y presente en 40 países, ofrece a sus miembros la oportunidad de interactuar a nivel internacional aumentando la posibilidad de comparar y dar vida a acciones, eventos, ideas, estudio compartido, comparación entre todos los profesionales y formadores que operan en los sectores de la salud social, la salud, el bienestar, la cosmética/cosmetología, SPA & Wellness.

✅ Al registrarse en ODM International, los miembros obtienen los siguientes beneficios y servicios:

• Certificaciones y acreditaciones ODM International Accreditation Board Certificado ISO 9001:2015, registrado en el Registro Comercial del Cantón de Ticino, Suiza

• Certificado internacional de TERAPEUTA ÉLITE

• Créditos de formación IQF (Marco Internacional de Cualificaciones)

• Número de acuerdo

• Creación y publicación de un perfil profesional indexado en nuestros sitios web/blogs en la página de “miembros” y en las redes sociales que utilizamos.

• Publicación de datos profesionales y contactos en nuestra guía internacional Directorio Internacional de Salud

• Publicación de artículos, libros, revistas, anuncios.

• Servicio de consultoría


ODM International, una delle poche associazioni del settore certificata ISO 9001:2015 e presente in 40 nazioni, offre l'opportunità ai propri soci di interagire a livello internazionale aumentando la possibilità di confrontarsi e dare vita ad azioni, eventi, idee, studio condiviso, confronto tra tutti i professionisti e formatori operativi nei settori sociosanitario, salute, benessere, cosmetica/cosmetologia, SPA & Wellness.

✅ Grazie all'iscrizione a ODM International i soci ottengono i seguenti vantaggi e servizi:

• Certificazioni e accreditamenti ODM International Accreditation Board Certified ISO 9001:2015, iscritta al Registro di Commercio Canton Ticino, Svizzera

• Attestato internazionale di ÈLITE THERAPIST

• Crediti formativi IQF (International Qualifications Framework)

• Numero di concordato

• Creazione e pubblicazione di un profilo professionale indicizzato sui nostri website/blog nella pagina “members” e sui social da noi utilizzati

• Pubblicazione dati professionali e contatti nella nostra guida internazionale International Health Directory

• Pubblicazione articoli, libri, riviste, annunci

• Servizio di consulenza


contact us here 👉  attaching:

✓ telephone number on WhatsApp line

✓ Curriculum Vitae

You will be contacted upon notice on office days and hours in accordance with your country's time zone

✳️ curious, and time wasters abstain thanks


Contáctanos aquí 👉  adjuntando:

✓ Número de teléfono en la línea de WhatsApp

✓ Currículum

Usted será contactado con previo aviso en días y horarios de oficina de acuerdo a la zona horaria de su país.

✳️ curiosos y perdedores de tiempo abstenerse gracias


contattaci qui 👉 allegando:

✓ n° telefonico su linea WhatsApp

✓ Curriculum Vitae

Sarai contattato/a previo preavviso in giorni ed orari d'ufficio in rispetto fuso orario della tua nazione

✳️ curiosi, e perdi tempo astenersi grazie



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ODM International Accreditation Board Certified ISO 9001:2015

✅ To reserve an interview: send a written solicitation to:
📧 specifying:
> nombre, apellido, contactos,
> Preferred phone number on the WhatsApp line.
Will be contacted with prior notice on days and hours of the office in the time zone of your country

✅ Para reservar una entrevista: envíe una solicitud por escrito a:
📧 especificando:
> nombre, apellido, contactos,
> Número de teléfono de preferencia en la línea de WhatsApp.
Será contactado con previo aviso en días y horarios de oficina de acuerdo a la zona horaria de su país

✅ Per Prenotare un colloquio: inviate una richiesta scritta a:  
o precisando: 
> nome cognome, contatti, 
> numero di telefono preferibilmente  su linea WhatsApp.
Sarete contattati previo preavviso in giorni ed orari d'ufficio in rispetto del fuso orario della vostra nazione
Sign up to ODM International and be the protagonist of the Intercultural Tour specialist and in-person courses
We currently have partners and professional training institutions in 40 countries

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